Sunday, February 13, 2011

I'm thinking of you...

Here's my response to our "I'm thinking of you" prompt, that, to be honest, I'm not very pleased with.  Everything that came out of my mouth felt either overdone or cliche.  Despite my grievances, it was an overall decent prompt.  Let's title this little number "I'm thinking of you: Are you thinking of me?" 

I'm thinking of you.  I'm thinking of you like clouds think of rain.  I'm thinking of you like hearts think of beating or lungs think of breathing.  I'm thinking of you like plants think of sun, like trees think of wind, like flowers think of beauty.  I'm thinking of you like rivers think of the ocean, like the ocean thinks of the tides, like the tides think of the moon.  I'm thinking of you like the blind think of seeing.  I'm thinking of you like writers think of the journal, like artists think of the canvas, like sculptures think of stone.  I'm still thinking of you.  I'm thinking of you like rain thinks of falling, like wind thinks of blowing, like lightning thinks of striking.  I'm thinking of you like chefs think of ingredients, like firemen think of saving that one person.  I'm thinking of you like dreamers think of the stars.  I'm thinking of you like winter thinks of spring, like spring the summer and summer the fall.  I'm thinking of you like dogs think of cats, like cats think of night, like nights think of dawn.  I'm thinking of you like pages think of books.  I'm thinking of you like fire thinks of air, like ice thinks of cold, like stone thinks of earth.  I'm thinking of you like the heartbroken think of love.  I'm thinking of you like eyes think of tears, like tears think of sadness, like sadness thinks of finding hope.  I'm thinking of you like you were here, I'm thinking of you like you weren't.  I'm thinking of how I'm thinking about you so much I don't know what to think.  I'm thinking of you like it'll make you think of me.     


  1. I quite enjoyed your opening paragraph. I agree with you that there were just a few cliche lines in there, but I thought that overall, you were successful. Nice work.

  2. i'm still thinking of you. I love this line haha! good job i liked it. it sounds really good compared to the other ones. i think i like it so much just cuz it is something i would be expecting to hear from everyone but not at the same time. Make sense?

  3. This was definitely not cliche or overdone you were super creative and did a way good job!

  4. I liked this, what I did not like is how before you even started with the prompt you made yourself seem cliche and bad at writing this. My advice to you even if you hate it, you can always revise and make it better, so just fake it till you make it and no one will ever know the difference!
